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Monday, 29 March 2010

Now then

Another week begins. And something very different this week. I am now officially a student again and I even qualify for a Student Union card at the ripe old age of 30something!
In 10 weeks' time I will no longer be a student however, but a fully qualified Personal Trainer! Exciting times ahead! And it feels great to be learning again and using the old noggin which had been lying dormant for the best part of the last 4 years!
I won't bore anyone with the details but there will be plenty of updates on the site and there might well be a lot more links on here to info about the world of Personal Training and fitness.

So training will have to be scaled down slightly over the next 10 weeks, but I will still be able to get in plenty of biking, probably have to drop one swim session and cut one short. The running will be impacted the most, so I'll sit down with boss man Harry and work out a plan. Aftet the 10 week course, that still leaves me with 7 weeks before Quelle Challenge Roth, so if I can stay injury free and at fighting weight then I still have a chance of doing well and posting a decent time.

As for the last 10 days, I've got in some quality and after an enforced rest, feel much better. I even won my first race, albeit a Poole Wheelers Club TT, 28 mile event on a tough course with a cold headwind for a large part of it. 1hr 8 mins and 59 seconds saw me ride solid and finish strong. I cycled hom afterwards and got 20 minutes quality running in, and finished off a very good week.

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