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Sunday, 4 April 2010

muscles, weights and kettlebells

It's been all go this week.
Studying all hours of the day, commuting 30 miles a day on the bike, running and swimming when I can fit it in. Add to that, some gym workouts, cardio sessions and stretching classes, and it's got to Sunday and I dont know where the time has gone.
I am loving the Personal Training course, so much to learn and has given me so many ideas and opened up loads of ideas for potential work. But not just that, it is giving me a great insight into how I can incorporate strength and conditioning into my own training as a triathlete. I have my Gym Instructor's exam and assesssment on the 14th April, which is no time, and very excited by that, as upon successful completion I will be quaified to take a gym session and insurable for running circuits classes, which I will be looking into next week!
As for my own training, the mental stimulation of the course is obviously rubbing off. Was an easy week, but have got in a solid 190 miles on the bike, which included a 3 hour bike yesterday with my own 27km time trial at 70.3 race pace effort in the middle. Did this on the Dorset P433 course, in horrendous wet and windy weather, and only rode 10 seconds down on my time back in February in the Poole Wheelers club TT. Had a good 25 minute run off the bike and will be out for a 2 hour run today. So all is good for the time being, long may it continue!
Happy Easter Everyone!!

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