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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Boscombe 5k Results

Well, a really good evening to be out running. Another excellently organised event. Great fun, and damn hard work, breathing hard in the cold weather. But a big PB for me. 18' 43" on the finish, and I felt pretty good all the way round. My best 5k run to date and a new target, just got to get my legs moving along with a quicker turnover. But happy to feel like I can actually run, and not just a heavy donkey!
Training is going well, keeping things short at the moment, mostly due to work constraints, but more intense efforts which I'm hoping will build my strength up for when I can start getting in the longer biking and running miles.
Well done to Harry Wiltshire who was 2nd and had a solid run in 15' 55".

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