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Sunday, 13 January 2013

New Year New Challenges

Well, it's been some time since I have been on here. Main reason is I have been doing very little in  the way of specific triathlon training, not seen a pool in months, gentle jogs now and again and hardly any bike rides( mostly due to rubbish weather!). I've been strength training and lifting weights and pushing in the FOrest Fit sessions so I am in good shape. My diet is very low carb and this is keeping me nice and lean, bodyfat % maintained over winter at a good 11%. 
Just before the festive season I managed to pick up some nasty virus that left be absolutely fatigued and bed bound for the best part of 4 days. SLwoly recovered with a nasty cough and now just about back to 95%. 
I have resumed some more regular training and the body is responding well. Still shorter efforts and each training session rarely lasts longer than 50 minutes. Weights sessions are 20-30 minutes max(twice a week), and turbos at 40 minutes( done 3 since the start of the year). Running between 20 and 40 minutes and that's it. Mostly steady paced with some hard intervals thrown in. 
Today I did 40 minutes on the turbo, and then ran for 25 minutes at a good pace, 6' 30" min/mile pace and at this time of year and with little running in the legs Ill settle for that. More importantly I really enjoyed it!!! That's key, sometimes sessions are tough and you don't feel good and just get through them and move on knowing you've done the necessary work. But when you feel good it's a really nice feeling. And recovering well afterwards. 

As for new challenges this year, this will be mostly work related as I develop my personal training business and promote the way of training, work/life balance and healthy eating, and generally making activity and a balanced lifestyle easy to manage.
But like I always say this has to be FUN!! 

Regarding triathlons, I've not completely given up and I will probably do a couple this year. But it's getting so expensive these days, and at nearly £50 for a sprint tri, I can't justify paying that just to get a t-shirt or a voucher for a shop you'll never go to. Unfortunately I need a bit of incentive to get out and race. Maybe some prize money for the top 5 finishers would be an idea, would certainly get me interested and motivated to get out and train harder. They do this with Cycling Time Trials for amateurs so why not in triathlon. I'm sure with the help of sponsors event organisers could come up with some decent prize funds.
SO back on it now, I'll be posting more on my blog, keeping up to date with training and racing and other stuff, so if you have anything to add please get in touch and let me know. I do provide coaching and training for athletes of any standard, particular focs on strength and conditioning so if any readers want more info just ask!! 

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