Good turnout for this event in poor weather, a very dull and dreary September day. This was brightened by a surprisingly good result on our part.
Zoom tri club had entered 4 teams and myself, Lawrence Down and Andy Downton(team captain) had some serious competition form Rob, Ed and Freddie!
In the end we came through in 4th overall and picked up the 2nd men's senior prize! Andy and Lawrence have been training long this season and were in no sprint form, and I had a very sore knee( now a lot worse!) and had done virtually nothing in the way of serious run training for 6 weeks or so, and nowhere near being race fit. I hadn't ridden my bike for a week prior to the day before, and on the Saturday before the race I spun on the race bike for 30 minnutes and had to stop with pain in the knee. Ideally, should not have raced, but couldn't let the team down.
We all posted similar times, Lawrence and I did 56' and a bit for 400m swim, 18.5km bike, and 3.8km run. Andy was a bit quicker on the last leg with 55' and small change. Well done boys.
I was slightly disappointed I couldn't push any harder, but injury and lack of race fitness just held me back, particularly on the bike where I rode very conservatively, but still managed to get us up to 4th place from 16th. Lawrence did a great job to get us up near the front guys at the start which set me up for a good bike, and then Andy came through solid on all 3, finishing with a strong run to keep us in 4th.
Freddie Devos posted the quickest time from Zoom tri club in 54 mins, his team finishing 14th overall in the end. And the Zoom ladies senior team managed to bag 3rd place, excellent stuff.
Was a great fun event and will look forward to doing this one again next year, hopefully the weather will improve.
Link to website: Southwater Relays
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