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Monday, 31 May 2010

Just for the record - I can run

Well, jut to prove my running is not that bad, here is me at the start of the Swashbuckler run leg. I was tired but I was detemrined to try and push on, but didn't account for dehydration. It will come right sometime soon. :)

Sunday, 30 May 2010

End of May

Another week on and chance to move on from last week's poor performance. Learned a lot. And in the end it boiled down to 3 things. Tiredness, stress and poor nutrition. I got it wrong on all counts, but the first two unavoidable. Nutrition is an ongoing experiment, binning the refined carbs, taking on more fat and protein and cutting out the naughties!! But I don't think it's working that well. So a bit more tinkering, adding in some more good carbohydrates and making sure I drink plenty of water, and not worrying about the coffee. Loving the eggs, whole milk and butter, feeling fuller and definitely helping me lean down. Also enjoying the organic pasture-fed meat, had a fantastic roast today, beautiful succulent beef joint off the market, none of this supermarket anabolic steroid supercow crap!
I scaled right back on the training this week, as the mind needed as much rest as the body. And I have just got back in from a 50 minute run in Wareham Forest, a lovely sunny evening witha nice cool breeze, perfect running weather, and has set me up for a positive week. Weymouth Middle Distance tri next Sunday and I'm not putting any pressure on myself to perform. I know what I can do, I'm going to go and relax and concentrate on putting in a solid effort. The result will hopefully take care of itself. But most of all I am just going to go there and enjoy it,and race with a smile on my face!

Monday, 24 May 2010

Never a bad race

Whilst coming away from yesterday's race I heard of some tragic news that a competitor had collapsed out on the run course. Unfortunately he was unable to recover after medics had attempted to resuscitate. It is a very sad time and I offer my condolences and thoughts to all those involved and the athletes from Southampton triathlon club. There is more information on their website

It just makes me rethink my own performance and get some real perspective on things, and in the cold light of day, there is never a bad race. Just to finish a race is a privilege and nothing on earth should ever be taken for granted.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Swashbuckler Triathlon 2010 Results

Well, please don't look for my name! It is there but way back in 32nd place. I went into this race with high hopes of mixing it with the front end of the race after a consistent 9 months of solid training. But I fell apart from start to finish. Just not on it in the swim, biking was well down, nothing in the legs and I suffered on the run with stomach cramps, GI problems and couldn't keep stuff down. Very dehydrated, and I have never suffered with that before. I can only think I must have been very tired going into this race and just not realised it. My legs aren't even sore post race, which speaks volumes and suggests that I was not able to generate any kind of effort near to what I know I can do.
James Gilfillan is on fire at the moment, he dominated the race from start to finish, awesome performance. Well done James.
Yet another fantastic race from Richard Iles and his team in the New Forest, and what a beautiful venue and the weather was simply stunning!

Thanks to my family who yet again came along at silly o' clock to support me. Next time I will do you all justice and get it right on the day! Weymouth middle distance tri next in 2 weeks and I will be out to put things right.

Friday, 21 May 2010

Race time

Swashbuckler Triathlon 2010.
The sun is going to shine, and I am in good shape. Really looking forward to the 1.2 mile swim, 49 mile bike and 14 mile run. No let up in the pace til the finish line. This is my first test of the season and my goal is to just keep pushing as hard as possible to the end. No let up unless I completely blow!!
I feel reasonably rested, have done a couple of run sessions this week, an evening 10 TT which was ok, no amazing times, just a steady 22' 19", bit disappointing, but that's not my focus and just glad to be at least riding fairly consistent. If I can get into a good rythmn on the bike on Sunday it will set me up for a solid run. Objective for the race within a race is to do myself justice and run like I know I can off the bike. I can do it in training, so it has now got to happen in a race. No excuses!!!
So race report to follow on Sunday, and let's hope it's a positive result. James Gilfillan is racing, I'm never going to get close but I'll be up there in the mix with the guys coming in just behind him. Happy Days and Good Times!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Bring it on!

Race time is upon me. This Sunday. And finally after almost 8 months of an off season I'm just starting to find some form. Some swim form, some bike form and even better, some run form. Had a quality weekend, got plenty of miles in and have recovered very well. Really looking forward to Swashbuckler triathlon, will be a great race and there are some fantastic athletes competing. Weather forecast is good.
More info at

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Latest News

Spent the last 10 days trying to shake off a nasty sore throat and snotty nose!
Jut about cleared up and have been at least trying to keep some level of reasonable fitness without going insane! But I feel I'm a little behind where I should be. First race of the season next week, and I'm trying my best to menatlly prepare, but just not at all in the right frame of mind. However, that could all turnaround after this weekend. I'm out today for a big quality training session. 3 hour build ride, the last hour at time trial /race pace effort then straight off the bike onto a 90 minute build run, building to a last 20 minutes all out max effort. Tomorrow then is 4k sea swim followed by a long 4-5 hour ride, which I will go and ride the Swashbuckler triathlon course as preparation for next week's race.
New cycling shoes and saddle position wll help me get more comfortable on the bike, as I've been struggling with that a bit over the last few weeks. Something as been feeling not quite right. So hopefully I can get out in nice warmer weather and really blow the cobwebs away!
More info to follow a bit sooner than of late!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Another weekend gone

Well, I have been out of action for the last 4 days, damned sore throat, the old green and yellow stuff and generally a bit under the weather. Came on after Wednesday's 10 mile TT. I was a bit slow, 24' 10" on a tough course, slow night. I struggled to get moving, legs were tired and breathing was a real effort. 3rd on the night, but time was down. So kind of makes sense that I was coming down with something. Much better now, and I managed to get out for a 2 hour ride today, and a 30 minute run off, which actually felt good. New running shoes always help! New cycling shoes as well, which made a massive difference, but still the numbness in the toes, so shifting cleat position and will look at saddle position. Not really wanting to change saddles, as can do without the expense!
2 weeks to go to my first race of the season. And if I can now get myself back to training, I'm confident of doing well. Off for more food and sleep!!
Another week starts tomorrow, back to the personal training course. More info to follow on that front, and new websites and other stuff!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Steve Birtwistle - Personal Trainer

Into week 6 of my 10 week course, and it's in full swing! Such a lot to learn but all great stuff. Really looking forward to getting out there and putting all the theory into practice. I have a new web address and will be creating a new site to complement this blogsite.
At the moment this URL only points back to the blog, but once I get some spare time I will be creating the small info site myself and doing a whole bunch of advertising material to go with it. Watch this space!

As for weekend race news, James Gilfillan was in action at the New Forest Triathlon yesterday, see for results. He made it win number three in that race, and his dominance of the New Forest race scene continues! Well done James. Will Newberry was also in action and came in with a very solid 5th place, and is on course to go well at Ironman Austria in July.

More news to come this week. The training is now getting serious!!!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Training update and stuff

Another week has almost gone by. Where? Time is ticking by at an alarming rate.
So, what's been happening? Course is whizzing by, and at the end of it I will be a fully qualified Personal Trainer, operating out of Bournemouth AFC's new gym. A team of 4 PTs and a class instructor will be going to work in the new facilities they have there. Very excited by the potential for development, and also excited by the fact that the athletics track is just round the back and I will be able to make full use of the facilities there. So got to get myself marketed and my services advertised, but really looking forward to the new venture.
Training this week has been pretty solid, decent enough 10 mile TT on Wednesday, but just too tired at the moment to really find that extra speed that I know I have. 22' 05" was ok, and it was a reasonably quick night, warm and wind had dropped a little. But took me a while to get into my riding, and you can't do that on a '10 miler' as you have to be right on it from the off. I ran on an athletics track for the first time on Tuesday, 3 x 10 minute intervals, each one harder with 3 minutes walk recovery inbetween. Certainly was working hard and enjoyed running on a completely empty track!! Will be doing more of those sessions I think.
Today I was out for 76 miles on the bike, just over 4 hours of riding round the Purbecks at a nice comofrtable pace. Tomorrow I am headed for the New Forest for 80 miles on the bike, dropping by the New Forest Triathlon en route and watch James Gilfillan win again!! Then back home for a 45 minute run off the bike.
Time for me to start getting into race mode a bit more. Swashbuckler triathlon is in 4 weeks' time and I have done no racing at all yet. Can't find a sprint one to do, so may have to 'do my own' down at Swanage next week. 40 minute sea swim, followed by 56 mile bike and solid run off. Have to speak to the boss man Harry and see what we can come up with.
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