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Wednesday, 3 July 2013


If there is one thing that will improve your fitness, strength, stamina, endurance and overall health and well-being it's consistency. Keep doing those sessions. Obviously keep them varied, interesting, keep adapting and working on your weaknesses and over time the improvements will come. 

This is true for all sorts of things. And I am practicing what I preach. Since last Friday, I ran 3.5 miles to Forest Fit, we did a solid training session there and I ran back. Sunday I cycled at tempo on my old training bike for 1 hr 40 mins, ave 22mph and then ran at half marathon pace for 35 minutes, about 5.5 miles. This felt good. OK, not monster quick, but for me, my legs are coming back into some sort of shape and I felt good. Monday, I got on the turbo for 40 minutes and did two TT efforts of 8km each, with spin recovery inbetween, each 8k hard effort was 10 minutes. Now this felt really good. Consistency. Tuesday, circuit training and a little bit of jogging throughout the day with work. Today, Forest Fit and a run back home and then on the rollers for a 30 minute spin. Time Trial tonight if my brakes are here! If not I will be out for another solid training ride. 
If I can find a cheaper triathlon race to do in September I will be getting back to swimming. If not then I might just do a few efforts over the coming weeks in the sea, now it's warmed up( a bit!). I will continue biking solid with quality run sessions during the week. And Puddletown Circuits and Forest Fit will keep me strong. And that provides me with plenty of variety.

Consistency. It works.

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