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Monday, 11 December 2006

Gym workout

Good short aerobic gym workout tonight. 10 mins warm up on treadmill. 15 minutes of 1 minute intervals on rower, get heart rate up above 170. Then straight back onto treadmill for 30 mins run, 20 mins at 12km/h pace, then up to 13.5 for 5 minutes and back to 12km/h for final 5. Cool down of 5 minutes at 10km/h. Heart rate at consistent 150 bpm throughout. Increased to 160 bpm when speed up to 13.5.
Felt strong again, good stretch after. Knee solid, legs feel a little tired, but overall fitness good.

Had 20 minute swim this lunchtime, 30 lengths of Dolphin pool. Not great time, but glad I went, will need to get some coaching to improve speed.

Also need to do some weight training for building strength, will help with swimming.


Anonymous said...

watch those legs again

Steve Birtwistle said...

This sounds mysteriously like my mother, telling me to be careful!!!

If it is you mum, don't be shy, register on the site and you can add more comments.

If it isn't you, then apologies to the poster! My mum's really not that bad!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if your mother knows how to post a comment?
I bet she is really cool!

Steve Birtwistle said...

Sorry for thinking you were my mum!!!!

I did chat to her last night on MSN and she said it wasn't her!!!

No she doesn't know how to post a comment!!! I keep getting her to try it, but she won't just jump in, I have to explain everything in detail to her first. But yeah, she's ok, she did the London Marathon in 1984, 4th year of the race. But she doesn't run anymore. I keep trying to encourage her, but she just keeps thinking she's too old. She's only 62. Spring chicken!!!

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