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Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Training Today

Nice and easy day. Bike to work, swim at lunch - 20 minutes, felt better, smoother, and had bags of energy, could have gone on a lot longer, just warmed up really. Biked home.
That's it. Up early for a run tomorrow before cycling in to work.


Anonymous said...

glad to hear training going well
how is it running in the dark in the morning /I never liked running in the dark I always wanted to see where I was heading

Steve Birtwistle said...

Thank you for you rcomments.
I have no problems in the dark, and actually find it quite relaxing, and somehow easier to run, helps focus on running style. I'm all reflectived(if there is such a word) up so no problem for road users not seeing me.
I live in a fairly quiet spot and even the lanes are reasonably well lit.

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