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Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Harry Wiltshire

Info on one of the UK's top elite triathletes and my coach!! How cool is that! And he's 12 years younger than me!! Not cool as that makes me bloody old!
Back out on the running today now my cold has faded away and felt good to get out. My morning swim was a total waste of time due to it being so busy in the laneds, and just impossible to do my set, so got out after 25 minutes, which was no bad thing as I was bloody knackered! Back in the pool tomorrow for a proper session with Wareham masters and then Thursday early morning session will be ok. I have 5k on Friday evening with James Gilfillan. Obviously I won't be quite at his pace, but not that far off if all goes well. My shorter intervals have been going really well this last 3 weeks since Ribble Valley 10k and my leg speed has significantly improved. I'll give it plenty and see how I get on.

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