Last race of the season for me, and finished with mixed feelings.
Cool but fine weather was the order of the day, and another early start. Up at 3:30 for a large dose of porage oats and pack the gear up. Bike racked Saturday so not had to worry about that. Rocked up there at 5am at Sandy Balls for a short bus ride to the start. Felt ok, very relaxed, no expectations and got in a cool Ellingham Water, up the front, and then did my usual thing at the start of just not getting into it and not finding feet. I'm just no good at open water swimming, don't get to doit that often and I just end up swimming on my own and seem to make it hard work for myself. Felt ok swimming though, and exited into T1 to change for bike. I felt really out of breath and was flagging a bit. Onto bike, and I was nowhere, no legs, no breathing, just felt pretty rubbish. Took me 15 miles of riding to find anything in my legs. Climbs were hard work. But I stuck at it and after riding along with Lawrence Down for a mile I decided to just try and push on and find something. And it sort of worked. Headwind on the way to Sandy Balls and then back for another smaller loop, and before I knew it I was into T2, about 10 or 12 bikes already in. Slightly disappointing but I just tried to focus on putting in a good run.
Shoes on and out we go, running well, smooth, just a bit slow! Made a decision to walk the big hills, a 25% gradient at mile 2 was hurting my legs even when walking. My legs were pretty much shot and felt very sore and fatigued. But I stuck to it and by mile 7 or 8 I was feeling pretty good. Had to stop for nature call of the second variety, and was caught by Freddy Devos and we ran together for the next 3 miles, and I was feeling ok, even with tired legs. He was getting away on a climb but I pegged him back but then he finally got away on a downhill and I had nothing to give. 3 miles to the finish and I had slowed down and started to cramp, despite getting my nutrition right today for once.
A strong runing Emma Dews passed me with 2 miles to go and not long after Tracy Cook followed suit. I walked the last hill and then th run in was very slow, cramping calves made sure I couldn't push on, and was very pleased to finish.
Great event yet again, very tough race. James Gilfillan , Lee Piercy and Dave Woodgate made the top 3, Will Newbery in 4th. I think I was about 25th.
On the whole, I gave it as much as I could, but lack of training over the last few months has shown. I enjoyed the race and I was pleased that given the lack of conditioning I was able to get round in a respectable time. But the other side of the coin is that I did yet another race not being in any sort of shape. My biking has been shocking really this season, I've lost a lot of speed and am not quite sure what has happened. My swimming continues to be hit or miss, but running is beginning to show signs of improving. Winter work needed, strength work needed and I also need to shft a bit of weight, just too heavy, carrying half a stone too much. I hit 40 next year, as Freddy pointed out today, maybe age is catching up with me!! Yep, thanks for that Freddy, makes me feel a whole lot better.