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Wednesday, 21 February 2007

More turbo

1 hour and 10 minutes of strong pedalling with intervals pushing a big gear. Felt very strong tonight, legs in good nick.
Another 750 ml of SIS electrolyte, really like it, especially good on turbo as relaces a lot of what is lost through a lot of sweating.

ave hr 147 bpm
max hr 181 bpm
Ave cadence 75
max cadence 115

Rest day tomorrow before my op on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Looks as though you have put in some good sessions while waiting for your op - I'm sure it will stand you in good stead when you get back to training. All the best for Friday.

Steve Birtwistle said...

The op went well, bit more dental work needed but no more surgery thank god!
Back to full training after a 2 week rest.

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