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Monday, 8 October 2007

Latest training updates

Well, after 2 weeks of a nasty chest infection I am slowly getting back to work.
I am starting Monday evening swim sessions with Zoom Tri Club, in a bid to really consolidate on my improved swimming and to set up some good base work for next season with better technique and increased stroke rate. And will be working at being able to tumble turn.
I have a sore left IT band at the moment, which is on the mend, but I still need to take it easy for 2 weeks, especially with the running. Cycling will consist of to work and back and on the rollers of an evening. Just light spinning for the next 2 weeks. Need to be right to then begin my training for End-to-End ride next April!!
And then there's my running. On hold a bit at the moment. I am trying to lose a bit more weight which will help. Not easy when injured, but the chocolate is out, and hardly any cheese, and more wholegrain bread, and less sugars. Feeling a bit lighter, but hopefully, after a lot of swimming my weight will fall, and especially after doing long slow bike rides over the winter. Looking forward to winter training, as it will give me a solid base to build from early next year.

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