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Sunday, 27 June 2010

Oh well, World Cup over, wonder what they made of it in Roth!

So we are now out of the World Cup, poor effort and I am sure all those involved with the England team are just as disappointed. They did not do themselves justice, simple as that. No excuses, it just didn't happen for them on the day. theymay well have been prepard and in the best shape of their lives, but for some reason they didn't perform. Such is sport, a great leveler.
And so is triathlon. My training is just so good at the moment, getting faster, leaner, stronger, harder!! Weekend of quality finished off 2 weeks of excellent work. My bike legs are now returning, helped by some new pedals! I didn't quite realise how worn the old ones were. Instant improvement. So saturday was key session day, 73.5 miles on the bike in 3 hours 8 minutes with loads in the legs, followed by 21 x 800m with 1 minute jog recovery between each, and at the height of the heat at midday! Thankfully I did this over a 2k loop near my house and was able to pop in after every 5 reps to hose myself down! It was HOT! Covered 20km in 1 hr 35mins. Got my nutrition pretty much spot on, and another confidence booster to take forward. So recovey today from that was a 3 x 1000m swim set and a 2 hour easy bike, lovely out in the sun. Bash out 10 x 400m swim tomorrow after giving someone an open water swim lesson and then a 40 minute easy run off-road. One tough session to go on Wednesday and then start to taper down for Roth, mixture of long easy and short sharp stuff. So far so good! And loving this weather!!!!

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