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Saturday, 5 June 2010

Weymouth Middle Distance Triathlon 2010

Tomorrow, 7am, I will hit the water, head down and concentrate on not getting bashed about!

Treating this race more like a solid training session and trying to replicate what I have been banging out in training over the last few months. Eating and rest and recovery has been very good this week. I feel rested and will be getting some more sleep and more rest today as the family are away in Legoland visiting more family! Actually would love to be going along, but Legoland in hot sun all day long and a drive there and back would not be the right preparation for a race, and as this is only my second race of the year, I would like to go into it in good shape and able to at least put in a solid performance.
Weather is perfect, maybe a little on the warm side, but hopefully I shall be on to the run before 10 before it has had chance to get too hot. Plenty of liquid, get my food right today and tomorrow and I should be good to go. After a fall out with my disc wheel, it's back on again. It's a pretty quick bike course. 2:10 for 52 miles is a comfortable marker for me, as I know the course very well. But we'll see what happens on the day. Swim strong, ride solid, and push on the run.
More info on the race at

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