Ok, good news to report.
Well, yesterday I managed 50 minutes of bike on the rollers at around 65-70% effort. And no pain, all held up really well.
Woke this morning with no aching, legs felt fine, movement not at all restricted, although still quad into hip flexor tight and sore a little, but I stretched off and massaged my quad and put heat wrap on it. Set off for a swim and had a reasonable session. Pushed myself and decided it was time to really get harder when swimming. I've been focussed on easy swimming drills and now my technique has improved it's time to put in some more effort. I need to build swim strength, and as I'm a really late starter to swimming I've got a lot of catching up to do with the faster triathletes.
This evening I did an hour on the rollers. 80% effort. Very good. I've lost a bit of my bike engine and a little in the legs, my cadence was lower than normal, my pedalling a little sluggish. But not surprising given I haven't ridden in anger for 7 weeks!
Legs ok after and I iced quad and knee after, just as a precaution and will continue to do that for te next week or so. Feeling much more positive today. Particularly after my visit to AECC to see Ed Morton of Zoom tri club. He sorted out my pelvis and lower back, stretched me out, worked on my back and fixed me up good. Loads more flexible tonight and haven't felt this 'up' for a long time. So I'll continue in this positive frame of mind and probably rest tomorrow, fly Saturday. Sunday, I'll put my bike back together and take off for an hour or two in the Florida sun for an easy ride and fit in a run later in the day, followed by a relaxing swim. Then I'll sit down and formulate a plan of attack for 8th November!!!
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