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Thursday, 23 October 2008


Well, was back on the physio bench again last night, and the consensus is, we do nothing from now until 1st November. Apart from swimming that is. I will have to wait until this knee injury has fully healed until I even start thinking of getting back on a bike or putting on a pair of running shoes.
It's some form of patellofemoral syndrome, or patellar tendonitis. It's not healing, and may be made worse due to a biomechanical issue, which I will address through chiropractor and disciplined yoga and stretching.
I did a good half hour yoga session last night, followed by lots of stretching. Felt much better. I swam this morning, nothing hard, but felt ok. Knee ok so far today, just a slight twinge when walking upstairs, more uncomfortable than outright pain. I am stretching as much as I can while sat at my desk, and will walk to station after work to get train. More ice and friction massage tonight, yoga and stretching. This routine I will follow religiously until I feel like I can put some load through the knee and start with some strengthening exercises.
I will recover, just gonna take time and I'm trying to stay as rational as possible and be patient. But as every athlete knows, that ain't so easy!!

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