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Friday, 20 April 2007

Half Ironman UK

At last I have found somewhere to stay!! Everything has been booked up, but I have managed to get accommodation for 4 of us. Wife, little boy and nanny are coming along as my back up team! Chief cook, chief masseuse and bottle carrier, and race tactician!!
I've got 5 days leave booked off work, 3 days before the weekend and two days after, give me time to recover. Although I shall be resting/recovering for at least 2 weeks after.
Really getting excited already about doing it, and it's only 8 weeks away now. Well in my build phase of training now, incorporating races, which will give me confidence going into June. Last hard training session before 17th June is on 3rd June, when I am running in Poole 10k. I will be using this as an extended training session and doing a 1km swim followed by a 30km bike early in the morning and then run in the afternoon.

You can make a donation to Rotary International, as I am competing for their charities in this year's Half Ironman UK. Just go to my sponsorship page.

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