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Monday, 23 January 2012


Back out on the bike today for 41 miles of good riding on a windy and cold day.
Felt pretty good, a lot of climbing in there, and legs moving pretty well. Nothing outrageous, a nice easy 18mph average, which is alright for a steady ride at this time of year, and I should be able to get another die in tomorrow, albeit a short one. Also back to running tomorrow, and will get out very early morning to run 40 minutes. A week to get my legs moving before I start any concerted run sessions of any note.
Forest Fit at the rugby club tonight. Last week's session was great, we set up a circuit-type session and I had loads of exercises printed up and got small groups working their way round each 'station' with 'fun' stuff in-between, then finished off the session with some sandbag carrying relays, always good fun. More of the same tonight, and thankfully the rain is holding off, let's hope the wind drops a bit. Will take it easy myself as my shoulders are a bit tight.
Now then, something to eat before I get back to work!

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