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Saturday, 21 January 2012

Saturday is Forest Fit day

Quiet week training-wise, lacking a little motivation in the January weird weather. One minute ice, next minute heat!
Managed 50 miles on the bike over Purbeck's finest hills and wind! Legs held up pretty well, and was good to be out for that time.
Today is Forest Fit, I will not be doing much in the way of upper body stuff, as my neck and shoulder has taken a turn for the worse again. I swam on Wednesday, and I am just not ready for the pool yet. Another two weeks and I can confidently get back in there.
I shall run over to Forest Fit, a nice easy 4 mile run to get warmed up, and I shall get out on the bike again later. Long run tomorrow and back into some running as I have done very little running over the last two weeks.
Strength workouts to return next week, only if shoulder better.

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