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Friday, 6 April 2007

Fuel goes in here!

Schedule has been revised with a rest day tomorrow!
Went for a run, and again my own fault, stopped after 15 minutes, no energy. Didn't fuel up enough after this morning's swim and paid the price. Jogged gentle back home. Feel ok, just starving hungry. Came back, ate half a large melon, 750ml SIS recovery drink, 2 nutrigrain bars, 1 pack of jaffa cakes, and 1 large chocolate milkshake.
Will have my tea soon, and go to bed early and sleep the sleep of the dead! Lots of rest and eating tomorrow, let my mind relax more than anything. Body feels great, but I have had a stressful week at work and other stuff has taken it's toll on me.

Positive thing is that I'm recognising when I am genuinely tired and need to recover and when I'm just a bit lethargic and can't be bothered. The former I need to lay off the training, the latter I need to drag my backside off the sofa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to se you are listening to your body and resting properly when you need to. Re read some of your earlier comments and remind yourself that rest days are sometimes just as good as training days!

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