Had a good little swim today even if was only 25 minutes. Did some work with a pullbouy, focussing on keeping my legs close together and not all over the place like they were. And what a difference, much quicker through the water. Will continue working on technique. I don't have aproblem with endurance and swimming the distance but technique is key. Did a couple of lengths with kickboard, and my kicking is lousy! Very slow! So my next goal is to improve my legs and kicking, even if I don't use my legs much, at least get them out of the way and stop dragging me backwards!
Think streamlined, and swimming in a tube, keeping my body long and torpedo-like.
Thanks for the info on the new wheels - hope you enjoy them - 'time' will tell - sorry!
What is a pullbouy? something you pull along behind you attached to your feet?
Pullbouy is like a float that you stick between your legs, keeps your lower torso and legs up in the water. Helps also to work your inner core muscles as without the use of legs need to keep balance when rotating and not move from side to side through the water.
Some people like using them, others don't think there's much to be gained. Personally, I think I will start using one more and more when practicing technique.
Also did 30 minutes on the turbo when I got home, just gentle spinning to loosen up my legs and get them moving again before I cycle to work tomorrow. Feel much better after doing that. Helps work out any remnants of lactic acid build up and any other waste products in my muscles. Should really get into the routine of doing that after most workouts.
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