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Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Wednesday Evening bike

77.9 km (48.4 miles)
2 hours 59 minutes. This incorporated two 5 minute stops at the end of two loops.
ave hr 140 bpm
ave speed 28.9 kph (17.95 mph)

I rode over to Southbourne to join up with riders from Zoom tri club. They do 3 laps of a 7 mile loop from Boscombe Pier to Hengistbury Head, along the coast. A nice route. Fairly easy paced ride. Stop at the end of each lap to re-fuel. I got there late and was playing catch up, eventually got them at the end of the first lap. Rode strong tonight, felt good. Certainly did not overdo it, not really pushing hard, but riding well within myself. I'm conscious of turning up fresh on Sunday.
Will swim tomorrow, run on Friday and rest on Saturday - maybe a gentle bike ride just to turn the legs over.

Note to self - cut back on the milk shakes with added protein powder. I have put on a little weight, albeit only 4 pounds, but I need to be around 13stone 7 when June comes along. I'm 13st 12 at the moment. Incredibly really, when I think back to 15 months ago and I was 16 stone 3 lbs!!


Anonymous said...

Did you enjoy your ride with the tri club members? It must help to show you what stage you are at.
What does your body need most the protein powder or the milk?
I'm sure the next races will help with the weight.
Resist the urge to do too much so you will be fresh for Sunday - hope all goes well for you- I look forward to seeing the results.

Steve Birtwistle said...

Ride with the club was good. Like anything, takes times to adjust to training with others.
Body needs neither now!!! The protein helps with recovery after training sessions. Milkshakes are great for recovery and I got used to drinking them after my accident.
Just had a gentle swim today and will have a gentle easy paced run tomorrow and be fresh for Sunday.
Thanks for your well wishes, I'll keep you posted of results.

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