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Sunday, 7 January 2007

Track cycling is the Business!!!

Today 9.00 am at Calshot Velodrome. For all cyclists out there, you gotta try it! Well cool, great fun!
It was an introductory session, 8 people there, split into 2 groups of four. Shown how to handle a fixed gear bike, very strange at first, but once a few laps ridden on the green(inside of the track) then was ok. Slowing down is tricky, pushing down and back with the heel while still pedalling. Then up to Cote d'Azur line, the 2 ft wide blue section, lowest part of the track. After a bit on there doing a couple of drills, up onto black line and then inbetween black and red. Black line is the one that is commonly ridden laong for the team or individual pursuits. Then up higher to the blue line, runs along the middle of the track, and that was as high as we went.
Once I got into it, man, it was great fun, and it was brilliant swigning into the corners and accelerating out, keeping it smooth while pressing down into corners with left hand, keeping body position the same on the bike.
It all went too quick, but thankfully my wife was there to take some pics.
I will definitely be going again, to the group riding sessions, and have a go at some pursuit riding!

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