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Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Wednesday swim and turbo

Went for lunchtime swim, first time in the pool since last Friday. Unfortunately things have happened that have prevented me swimming for tha last few days. Only managed 25 minutes in pool, so tried to focus on body position in the water and maintaining a nice smooth stroke with good rotation. Feeling better, but need to be in the pool at least 4 times a week now, with two of the sessions focussing on endurance and building up aerobic swim fitness.
Turbo on the bike again. 30 minutes of easy and then a 10 mile effort. Was looking at doing a 10 mile at time-trial effort, but I find the indoor trainer far harder than being out on the road. A lot of effort for not a lot of speed. I gave up after 6 miles and just coasted the rest. Ended up 35 minutes! Out on a clear road I would be looking at 25 minutes for 10 miles. Didn't feel full of energy today, but I can't expect to be fresh as a daisy everyday!
Back to cycling to work tomorrow and in the pool or run tomorrow, see how the legs are feeling. Feel good at the moment. Right, off to eat and then sleep!!!

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