Well, there we go , I was back out, and my god, how my confidence has taken a knock. Pedalling well, smooth, strong, good cruising speed, up around 37-38 kmh. But on the corners, very unsure, as though I'd hardly ridden a bike. But I guess that will come with time. Just need to get back a feel for the road and the bike.
Had an hour and a half cycle down to Sandbanks in the morning sun, was very nice to be out. Legs felt good, but average heartrate up a little, to be expected really. But was good to get 40km in my legs. did have a 5 minute stop halfway and coasted round Sandbanks peninsular just to take on some liquid.
So, back to proper cycling next week me thinks. Return to hospital in the week for follow up after op. All healing well, and then back to swimming and running, and get myself up for the 25th March.
Been a long old 4 weeks, and I have really noticed having this last week off, a definite dip in my overall aerobic fitness, but should not take too long to get that back to where it should be.
Will the turbo tainer help with the aerobic fitnes or is it just a combination of everything? You have said previously that the swimming was a good help there and hopefully it will help when you can get back in the pool. I'm sure after a few more outings on the bike you will feel more relaxed on the corners - but does a little less speed there make a great deal of difference overall- if you can pick it up on the straight sections.
Turbo trainer will help general aerobic fitness, but it is more cycling specific than any other exercise. I tend to work at pedal technique more on the trainer, one-legged exercises, and leg strengthening work.
Swimming is good for giving my legs a rest and helps build upper body strength which in turn all helps running. Over longer distance rides it's important to keep the momentum you build up on the bike going, and get into a good rhythmn, that's why good cornering at speed is important, so that you are not expanding extra effort accelerating too much out of corners. Then again, if it's a tight and technical course then it does involve a lot more of slowing down and speeding up out of tight corners.
For m at the moment, it's all about getting my feel for the bike and road back. Once the rain eases off, it will be much better on drier roads, because you have 100% confidence that the bike will stay upright!!
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