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Friday, 23 March 2007

Taper week

Tapering is oh so painful! I'm feeling great, apart from a bit of a sniffly nose and sinuses a little bunged up. The idea being to reduce intensity of workouts and time/distance to feel fresh come race day. It's really a case of mind over body. Body feels like going for it, mind has to hold it back!

So Monday was a day of rest, Tuesday I went out for a gentle hour on the bike along Blackpool sea front, incredibly windy. My word, thought it was windy down here!! Wednesday I went out and did an hour's running up and down Blackpool promenade and along the beach, which was fantastic in the early morning sun! And then Thursday by contrast I took the bike out in misty rain for an hour of turning my legs over, just to keep me fresh but not to work the legs hard. Will have a gentle lunchtime swim today, and then tomorrow a very short bike and run just as a sharpener for race on Sunday.

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