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Friday, 8 June 2007

9 Days to go!

Ok, nine days to the big race of the year! Very excited and feeling great about it. In a very positive frame of mind today, very relaxed. Just got my nutrition organised, all set with bars and gels and drinks. Will work out nutritional race plan next week.
Went for a swim today, 20 minutes, which was all I could do as the pool then got laned off from 33 metres to 25 and cut down to 2 lanes, and it was too busy to swim up and down. Bit disappointing as I was feeling really good in the water. But it's ok, was happy to have an easy day today.
Will go for bike tomorrow, just an hour easy riding, and then longish run on Sunday, again, at an easy pace.
Sea swim on Sunday for 20 minutes if I have the time. Having a pre-race party with some friends. No alcohol for me :(

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