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Friday, 6 July 2007


Rode into work Thurs and Friday. This morning was a nice 30k spin via Sandbanks Ferry/Studland. Extremely windy, leaning at almost 45 degrees at one point just to stay on the bike!!
Feeling good for Sunday, Bournemouth International Triathlon. Hope the wind drops and then there might be a sea swim. However, well prepared for the duathlon if they cancel the swim. will be 5k 40k 5k, run, bike, run.
Remember to register James Gilfillan tomorrow!! He's hoping to win this thing!! And I'm tasked with registering him and having his helmet checked. DO NOT FORGET!!!!! Lucky so and so has gone up to London to watch the Tour de France prologue!
That's my Internet usage at work going up over the next 3 weeks!!

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