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Friday, 9 March 2007

Friday morning swim and bke

Another pool session, not bad, felt ok, but nowhere near effort I need to be at. 25 minutes of lengths, in 100m and 200m blocks. Focus on technique. Once back in shape next week, will get in the pool for some endurance swims.
Biked to and from work today, and to and from the pool. Bike is good, legs a little tired today, but I need to get back to it. Lost a bit of focus this week, inevitable after my accident. But will be going along to Zoom tri club sessions next week, so hopefully that might up my motivational levels.


Anonymous said...

Training along with others is surely going to be a boost. Is the bike to and from work just taking the edge of cycling - as you have said its not far enough for a training ride - but all credit to you - you are making a terrific sffort and I'm sure it will all pay off in the end.

Anonymous said...

Sounds as though you are good at self motivation - but it's good to train along side others - you help each other through the difficult times.

Steve Birtwistle said...

Thanks for your comments.
Self-motivation is generally pretty good. But just need a lift at the moment. But I got one today( read latest post) in a good training session. 2 and a half hours of solid effort. Feel very good for it.
Looking forward to meeting up with other triathletes at Zoom tri club. Think I will go along to a couple of run sessions with them next week, preparation for duathlon.
Will let you all know how I get on.

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