Results on Concept Sport's website.
Big thank you to them for hosting another great event.

Well and truly happy to finish this one!! Best race of season so far. I've certainly not gone too hard on this race but overall I paced myself very well, got my nutrition spot on, and finished feeling fresh, even though the picture on the right suggests otherwise!!! Oh how the camera lies!!!
Hi mate, was good to come along yesterday and see what it's all about. Did look like it might me fun, and I think I'll have to give it a go later in the year (just a shame you've got to run :-) ). Anyway results are showing your not just making up the numbers, but competing for the top places (pretty darn good seeing as you've only done a few thus far).
Good job and was good to see you racing. Later.
Swim Coach..
Hi 'Swim Coach!'
Many thanks for coming down to show your support, always nice to see a friendly face in the crowds (well, maybe there'll be a bigger crowd when the weather improves!!)
Really enjoyed yesterday's race. Yes, I've surprised myself with results so far this year, and am delighted with my consistency. Always knew my bike would be strong, just got to work at swim and run now. Next season I'll be looking at improving, knocking a couple of minutes off each discipline, which I know I'm more than capable of doing and then I'll really be competing.
Will certainly be hoping to get a top 100 place at this year's Ironman 70.3. And next year, who knows. I'd love to represent GB at age-group level, but maybe that's for 2009.
Next 4 weeks is hard training, minimum 40 minutes each pool session, 3 times a week and lots of running and long rides at the weekend. Just trying to stay injury free. Next Sunday is my last triathlon before 17th June. Although I have Poole 10k on 3rd June, which I'll do swim and bike before I do it. That's my last really hard training session before I taper down for the big one!!
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