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Thursday, 10 May 2007

Thursday lunchtime run

Well, I was at it again. Bonking! 25 minutes into my run, I just lost it, legs went and I had no energy, overcome with hunger. I could have mugged an old granny for a biscuit I was that hungry! So I stopped and sat down for a minute, gathered myself, turned round and ran back. Was just over 6 miles in all. Very slow going on the way back. I managed it ok in the end, and actually got stronger as I was out, funnily enough. I think the positive thing to get from this is it's good to run on empty on occasions(not very often) as this may well happen to me in a race, particularly on the longer distance ones. If I know I can get through it on very little in the tank then when I get my nutrition right, I should be ok. Was running for about 55 minutes in total, so not a bad session. I know what the problem was, I didn't feed enough last night after my hard 2 hour bike ride, and again I cycled to work this morning and didn't re-fuel as I should have done. Lesson learned: keep yourself well fuelled!

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